
New Member Orientation

The family of GATE Ministries Sandton is continually growing and expanding with people from all walks of life and all geographic areas within Gauteng and often beyond, joining us either on a visit or with the intention to stay.

For this reason Thamo and Mirolyn facilitate a New Members Orientation high tea twice a year on a Sunday afternoon.

The ‘orientation’ of new members is a significant step towards being integrated into the GMS family. The purpose of this event is, therefore, not only to make you aware of the various ministries within GMS but to also impart to you the vision, mission and culture of this ministry. Our hope is that you will not only embrace our family, but become an integral participant in fulfilling the divine mandate to which we have been assigned.

What is the Apostolic

Apostolic is a word that is commonly used to describe the culture of GMS. In attempting to capture the culture of GMS one must therefore understand the definition of the term ‘apostolic’ and the office of an Apostle. Historically the word, ‘apostolic’ is employed to distinguish the authentic or true church from the apostate or false church.This word apostolic is derived from the NT Greek words – apostello and apostolos. It literally means, “to send off, or send forth”. It denotes a specific sending (on a specific mission) by the “sender” (God) that imposes a very clear mandate on the “sent one” (the church). Included in this “sending”, is the idea of an intimate relationship between the ‘sender and the ‘sent one’ and that the ‘sent one’ adopts a voluntary and subservient attitude towards the ‘sender’. The implication of the ‘sent’ principle is that the ‘sent one’ fully represents the heart, intent and authority of the ‘sender’ as if the ‘sender’ were present himself.

Reformation is another term used to describe the present season of God in which we live. From a literal standpoint, it means to ‘make straight either by a right arrangement and right ordering or by making an amendment and bringing right again’.

Apostolic Reformation therefore conveys the idea of setting in order again that which was made imperfect or marred by sin in the Church and in creation. Apostolic Reformation presents to the Church a ‘new and better way of drawing nearer to God’ (Hebrews 10:20).



A new season has dawned upon the Church of Jesus Christ, labelled in some circles as the Apostolic Reformation. It comes in the form of a clarion call from the throne of God for a consummate reformation of gigantic proportions to be imposed upon the Church.

Gilgal is the place of constructive preparation or re-formation. It symbolises a sensitive and critical place in the life and experience of a people, ministry or nation in the earth. This is a location in one’s spiritual journey where preparation is made for the next phase in the unfolding plan of God. A season has been concluded, a new one is about to be ushered in, placing new demands on His people. It is at Gilgal that the process of reconfiguration must take place.