The Sunday service this morning at GATE Ministries Sandton was a “live-streamed only” service. Due to the restrictions placed on public gatherings as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the physical gathering of the GMS family has been cancelled until the restrictions are lifted.
In this streamed message, Pastor Thamo addresses an audience much wider than the GMS family. Many other churches and individuals, both nationally and internationally, have joined in the service via the broadcast.
The message this morning is titled ‘Build Your House on the Rock’.
Noah built the ark (house) accurately according to divine plans. Building accurately will ensure that we have a house that provides immunity, preservation and protection. When we build accurately, we are indestructible and immovable. Noah built the ark accurately not because he was a skilled boat builder, but because he was righteous.
Pastor Thamo alluded to the importance of staying focused during these troubled times. We should set our eyes and our thoughts on things above. Like David said, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help”(Psalms 121:1).
A major focus of today’s message is on leadership during this crisis. Pastor Thamo explains the leadership role using the imagery of the shepherd leading, watching over, caring, and feeding the sheep. The sheep too have a role to play by listening to and following the shepherd. Psalm 91 is a beautiful picture of the shepherd/sheep relationship. The key thought is that if we want our houses (families) to be built upon the Rock called Christ, then one method of building is through shepherds leading sheep. This is a time when people will not be able to lead themselves. True leaders must arise, both in homes and in the family of God to lead God’s people as shepherds lead their sheep
Against the backdrop of the current COVID-19 pandemic sweeping through the world, Pastor Thamo firstly gives some very practical advice to the church, which is to follow all of the advice given to reduce the possibility of being infected with the virus, such as regular washing of hands, maintaining social distance guidelines, etc. He also emphasizes the need to take care of the elderly during this time due to their increased susceptibility to the virus.
You will certainly be challenged, and enlightened as you view today’s teachings to get the full message.