Shaun begins this message by suggesting that God is calling the church back to accurate positions and He is cleansing His church.
The text Matthew 21:13 “my house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves.” is used to amplify this point. Prayer should be a natural position of and in the House of God.
Shaun explains that Church is not an activity we do or attend weekly but a spiritual position we occupy in a region.
Prayer is used to develop intimacy with our Father, it should shape our thinking and therefore inform critical decisions.
We need to develop a lifestyle of prayer in order to develop an accurate spirit life.
Kingdom prayer is the aligning of our hearts with the heart of our Father.
Prayer enables us to function in the spirit and should allow us to bring heaven into the earth.
We need to understand the role of prayer in our lives and in the church.
This message should be listened to very carefully as there are many keys that can bring us toward accurate prayer life and positions in Christ.