For the past 6 months Thamo Naidoo has been addressing the GATE Global Family of churches providing spiritual guidance and perspective through the present COVID 19 pandemic. This morning’s broadcast is the last of the Sunday morning live-streamed broadcasts to the global community. Pastor Thamo uses this session to express the promptings of his heart for each local congregation to return to their gatherings as guided by the elder of that particular household.
In closing the broadcasts, Thamo does a summation of the key teachings and concepts that have been presented since the inception of the GATE global broadcasts. He emphasised that the present pandemic must be viewed as an instrument in the hand of God to force change in both the world order and the Church order. In essence, the pandemic is a corrective judgement from God. One of the earliest lessons derived from the present crisis is that our lives cannot anymore be defined by the temporal realm. In fact, our entire existence must be built on the basis of faith. Thamo then goes on to unpack the biblical definition of faith which is much more than the narrow parochial view of believing God for our financial, material, and health needs. Faith is how we view the eternal dimension.
The culmination of all of the teachings is that the restoration of apostolic order must be seen in the true Church of Christ.
We trust that you have been blessed, resourced, and encouraged by the teachings. All of the teachings presented since the commencement of the broadcasts are available for download.