In today’s message, Pastor Thamo shares with us some of the deeper insights and principles into Thanksgiving. The importance and significance of thanksgiving was highlighted again as the GMS family was reminded that the last Sunday of November each year is the day that we set aside for Thanksgiving. This particular day for us is the most important day of the year.

Pastor Thamo expounded the following principles related to Thanksgiving.

We cannot give thanks without remembering God. In the Book of Luke 17:11-19 we read the narrative of 10 lepers that were healed by Jesus and only one returned to thank Him. We must adopt the position in our heart to remember the goodness of God and to return thanks to Him.

Thanksgiving is not circumstantial. Our thanksgiving is also not based on positive circumstances only. Irrespective of our circumstances, we must not cease from giving thanks. Even if all we have is our salvation, then that is more than enough reason to give thanks to God.

Thanksgiving must become inculcated into our lifestyle and ethos. When thanksgiving becomes our way of life and disposition then we will subdue the negative dispositions, moods, attitudes, and the negative outlook on life that is so prevalent amongst us.

Thanksgiving generates the spirit of grace and joy in our lives.

Please watch the entire sermon to fully grasp the message of Thanksgiving.