Last Sunday, Pastor Thamo spoke about the Miracle of Divine Provision.
In today’s teaching, which is a continuation of last Sunday’s message, the focus is on how to create an environment in our homes where the miraculous, the supernatural can take place rather normally. In difficult times, like the context in which we currently find ourselves due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the natural tendency is to try to figure things out rationally, and to switch to a survival mode. Unfortunately this mode is based on self-preservation above all else. However, as the children of God our faith must supplant reason. When we choose selflessness above self-preservation, we generate an environment of favour and grace. Grace can override lack and it can create an environment for sustainable living.
Pastor Thamo uses two case studies to demonstrate how choosing selflessness above self- preservation creates such an environment. The first is the Macedonian Church which was also discussed in last weeks message. The key characteristic of the Macedonian church was selflessness. Even though they were a poor community that experienced many afflictions and hardships, it was their generosity that kept them connected to grace. They practiced their generosity not out of a spirit of charity, but out of their liberty. Pastor Thamo unpacks this for us in the teaching.
The second case study was that of the Shunammite woman as recorded in the book of 2 Kings 4:8-37. The difference between the Shunammite woman and the Macedonian Church was that the Shunammite woman was a wealthy person. She had no material needs, but her unmentioned need to have a child was met because of her generosity and hospitality shown towards Elisha the prophet.
The principle between these two case studies is that God blesses people who create capacity for His purposes to be fulfilled. This teaching will revolutionise your understanding of generosity.