In this series Pastor Thamo is speaking to the Church about an economy in God that is able to sustain us in the present context of the day. He cautions, however, that the economy of God cannot be understood with the rational mind. In fact, the rational mind will not make any sense of this belief system. We are urged therefore to discern the things that is being taught to us, and not to try to understand it with a rational mind.

In previous sessions, and alluded to again in this session, is the Church of Macedonia. This case study found in 2 Corinthians chapter 8, helps us to understand the operational culture of how grace can thrive in impoverished and indigent environments. In the midst of severe lack this church learned how to access the superabundant grace of God. The Macedonian church experienced afflictions, persecutions, and multiple perils, but this did not deter them from being connected to the Lord in a way that supplied not only their needs, but also an overflow of grace towards them.

The second case study, also covered in previous sessions is that of the Shunammite woman and Elijah. This woman gave the prophet the upper room of her home. She blessed him with a table and a chair, thus recognising the office of the prophet. The principle that we pick up from this narrative is that we must create capacity within our family units and our spiritual congregations for an overflow of grace to be experienced. Grace is the very essence of the divine property that is given to us. Without it we cannot survive.

In the third case study, the Matthew 19 account of the rich young ruler is expounded. This young man had everything, yet there was a lack of some kind in him. He wanted eternal life, but he was not willing to be generous. Our generosity will generate Grace and where generosity is stifled, grace will be stifled. This young man chose to hold onto his material possessions above obedience to the words of Jesus.

The last case study, as found in 2 Kings 4, narrates the account of the widow who owed money to her creditors. When all she had left was a small jar of oil, the prophet asked her to collect as many jars as she could. Upon instruction from the prophet she poured the oil into the other jars. The miracle was that as long as there were jars the oil never ran out. Once again the principle that is being demonstrated here, is that as long as you create capacity, God will fill it.

God bless you as you listen to the full session.