This is session three of the series, Understanding the Satanic Kingdom of Darkness. For those following the series, you will be aware that the approach to this series, essentially, is not to do an in depth study on Satanology but rather to focus on our position in Christ, with the understanding that our position of heavenly righteousness in Christ coupled with having an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, is how we are strengthened against the attacks of the enemy. It is necessary to be educated on the schemes, intent and methodology of satan, but certainly the key to overcoming the kingdom of darkness is to live completely in the Kingdom of light.
The keys elements of today’s teaching was on how we drive out the enemy through the teaching of truth, through our sonship identity and authority, and by living according to the righteous configuration of heaven.
Pastor Thamo did an exegetical overview of Mark Chapter 1:21-28, to reveal how being under the leadership of the Holy Spirit can expose and drive out demons. In this account a man with an unclean spirit was in the synagogue. As Jesus began to teach as one having authority, the man with the unclean spirit could not be still anymore, and after being rebuked by Jesus the unclean spirit came out of the man. The background to this narrative is that Jesus had just come out of the waters of baptism, the Holy Spirit had come upon him, He overcame the temptations of satan in the wilderness and now, being led by the Spirit again, He could expose demons just through teaching the Word of God.
The series is building up in momentum and you are encouraged to listen to the full teaching in order to receive the impartation of knowledge.